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Spend a little time thinking about how you describe your site here. Giving your site a meaningful title and concise description could help your position in search engines.

  • The homepage title is displayed on your home page. Pick a title that you would want to see appear in search engines.
  • The site description usually appears in search engines. You should try having a description that is 100–150 characters long.
  • The banner title appears on your site's banner and in your browser's title bar. It should be less than 20 characters. If a banner logo is uploaded, it will replace the banner title on user-facing forum pages. Also, keep in mind some themes may also hide this title.
  • The banner logo appears at the top of your site. Some themes may not display this logo.
  • Your site's favicon appears in your browser's title bar. It will be scaled to 16x16 pixels.
    Your site's favicon appears in your browser's title bar. It will be scaled to 16x16 pixels.
  • When someone shares a link from your site we try and grab an image from the page. If there isn't an image on the page then we'll use this image instead. The image should be at least 50×50, but we recommend 200×200.